Courtney & John met on MySpace in the Spring of 2006. They hit if off from the very beginning. John knew Courtney was the one very early on, in fact, John actually proposed to her back when they were 18 years old! But of course they had to wait to graduate, get jobs and become stable adults before they could marry.
Over the past ten years, they’ve grown from being teenagers traveling by bus between Oak Lawn & Wicker Park just to be together, to now being two established successful adults building a future together. I am so honored to have been asked to document their journey to the altar and I cannot wait for their summer wedding at Noah’s in Naperville, IL.

The first thing I remember thinking about her was, “She is beautiful.” I remember looking at her and looking in her eyes and thinking that she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. ~John

I first realized that John was more special to me than a typical friend when I realized that I couldn’t go a day without being around him. With a friend you can go without seeing them for a while but, with John I craved his presence everyday and always wanted to be with him. ~Courtney

Every day I watch Courtney get up and face the world, and no matter what it is she is dealing with she always manages to reach her goals, whether it is school, work, dealing with difficult clients, etc… She always pushes through and that just inspires me. ~John

Courtney is really great at reminding me how far I have come, how much I have accomplished, and how proud of me she is. She is always telling me what she admires about me, but she is also constantly encouraging me to continue and keep my eyes on goal, reminding me that I still have so much more to achieve. She probably believes in me more than I believe in myself. ~John

John is everything that I want and need, and everything that I sometimes don’t know that I need, in a man. After ten years, I still look at him and smile and know that there will never be another man on this earth better for me than him. Even through all of my flaws and when I have been at my worst, he has managed to still love me unconditionally without limits and without wavering. He is my biggest supporter and he has not once given up on me or us. I’m so thankful for him. ~Courtney

I fell in love with Courtney because she is this amazingly beautiful person that is filled to the brim with all of the kindness and compassion I felt I was lacking. She just appeared to be this wonderful woman that loved me so much when I felt I didn’t deserve it, when I thought it wasn’t possible. ~John

I feel the most loved by John when we are together, snuggled up. We don’t have to be doing anything and he doesn’t have to do anything special for me. When he holds me close I know that there is no other place I’d rather be than in his arms and I can honestly feel how much he loves and cares for me in those moments. ~Courtney

I’m still in love with Courtney because she centers and grounds me every day. She is my respite, in our stressful life. Whenever I’m lost and weary she can right my compass, and remind me of everything I am grateful for. ~John

I have never met any man in my life much like John. His strength, determination, and the way he stays true to his values and beliefs are significant. His love and respect for his family and the way he goes above and beyond to help others is the sweetest character trait. Also, the way he carries himself as a strong and confident man made me love him even more. His humor didn’t hurt either. ~Courtney
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